Best Wish Messages

We thought it would be nice to remember our day through a printed book of messages from well wishing friends. If you would like to have your entry in this special book of ours, post your message below.

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Lusungu Chisesa (lsng)
Boss congrats... rare moments... once in a life time... Welcome to the club...

Congratulations guys. All the best in your marriage.

Ulemu & Pratamnu
Best wishes guys! May this journey shower u with smiles, and gifts of life you desire.

Waki Chungwa
Patrick & Monica, I will you all the best during your wedding and a happy life thereafter. Mwachoka kutali and you have led by example guys as its not easy to stay in along relationship like yours. Infact you were married 10 years ago and koma abusa amachedwa kudalitsa kkkkk

Chilunga Kaperemera
wishing you all the best on the big day. God bless you

George Manda
Congrats Guys! Wishing you all the best!

Richard Munthali
Wish you all the best and Gods blessings as you start a new chapter of life. May the almighty God bless this new family forever and ever. Greetings to you all.

Congratulations to you on your wedding day - A day of happiness and joy, May every moment of your new life together Usher in reasons to celebrate and enjoy!!

monication on d way . congrats bro.

monication on d way . congrats bro.

I cant wait to witness your BIG DAY....may God be with you as the day you have been waiting for in your relationship draw closer...Congratulations.

Congratulations dude....the 1 yr(+/-) preps is gradually becoming a reality! Congratulations to both of you...wishing you the very best marriage has to offer!!!

Dorothy Tembo
As the day draws nearer, lots of things to do and no time to fix everything, I pray God gives you His peace, patience and strength to hold on a little longer.

Word of advise: 'marriage is about becoming a team. You're going to spend the rest of your life learning about each other, and every now and then, things blow up. But the beauty of marriage is that if you picked the right person and you both love each other, you'll always figure out a way to get through it' Nicholas Sparks.

Wishing you the best of luck as you marry your best friend and happiness in the years to come. May God protect your marriage. Cheers!!

Ronald Kumbatira
Then the Lord God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him. - Genesis 2:21-24
May the good Lord bless you as you begging this awesome journey. God bless

Maleka Thula
Am so happy for you guys. I wish you the very best as you count down to your big day, and a happy & health life thereafter.

Most Liked Messages

Symon Mtonga

Congratulations Patric and Monica,May His abundant blessings be upon you infinitely . 1881


Wow! finally, the long awaited day wishing u all the best as and may the Lord be with you through out all the time you are preparing for this big day. . 1860

Zindaba Dunduzu Chisiza

Dear Patrick (neba) and Monica, congratulations on this feat! Wishing you God's many wonderful blessing as you take these final steps towards a glorious and sacred union. I celebrate with you both and can't wait for the 24th! Ndakunyadilani! Best . 1853

Kola Babalola

Hi Patrick, Congratulations to you and your new wife. Best wishes for your married life!. 1853


1 year, 1 day after..............yaaay!. 1831

Elizabeth Bandason

all the Best Pat and Monica, So proud of you, May God be at the center of your marriage. God Bless you more! Elizabeth. 1813

Christopher Kalamula

Congratulations on your 5th Anniversary, may the Good Lord continue blessing you. 1811

Walu G

Congrats guys!! Can't believe am gona miss this mayne. Wish y'all all the best. God bless!!. 1805